
Monday, September 19, 2016

Day 135- 2,300 Miles And Falling Behind

Sept 14, 2016
Whites Pass(2292.4) to Two Lakes Campsite(2312.1) 19.7 miles
Total up/down: +2,864/-2,191 feet 

I have gotten really behind on writing my blog. I don't think I have ever been so far behind. In an attempt to get caught up the next few posts will be relatively short. It is difficult to remember the intricacies of one day, much less what I did five days ago, but I will do my best. 

Treebeard promised to get me back to the trail as early as possible. We left the house at seven o'clock, but it was quite the drive to get back to the trailhead. I didn't start hiking until ten o'clock. I was hoping to get in twenty five miles today, but I knew that I'd have to settle for less than that. I had barely gone five miles when I came across a beautiful lake. Unfortunately, the days of stopping to go swimming are past. It is just too chilly for me to even consider it. Just because I can't go for a dip doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the lakes. I took a nice little break and ate breakfast. 
Sand Lake

I didn't have to go much farther before I hit the 2,300 mile mark. Once again a mile marker was already made, but since I wasn't in a hurry today I took the time to Yodafy it. 

I was in the process of fixing the mile marker when two hunters came past. They had seen the sign earlier in the morning, but couldn't figure out the significance of it. I explained what it was all about and they wholeheartedly congratulated me. They thought that I was a little crazy to hike such a huge distance just for fun. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon hiking in and out of the forest. I enjoy the variety of Washington. On a daily basis I see a wide variety of different terrain. The forests have a very Washington feel to them. They are exactly what I pictured them to look like in my head. The surprise of Washington is how many parts remind me of the Sierra. At one point I came out into a wide meadow exactly like one I hiked through in Touloumne Meadows. 
Sierra type meadow 

I'm also seeing so many lakes everyday. Oregon and Washington seem to have lake after lake after lake. I thought Maine had a lot of lakes on the AT, but it isn't even close to the amount that I hike past everyday. 
Yet another lake

I was getting pretty close to quitting time when I passed something a little disconcerting. Up until this point I haven't been concerned at all by the hunters I've been seeing. I have seen at least 10-15 everyday since bow season opened up. I don't have anything with bright colors to make myself more visible, but since it is just bow and arrow hunting I haven't been very nervous. With bow and arrows the hunters have to get close to their prey before shooting. A hiker is obviously not an elk. I'm still really not too concerned, but seeing an arrow plunged into the trail made me rethink my previous thoughts. 
What the heck

I made it into camp at a very decent time.  With the days getting shorter my new stopping time is around 6:30. I like to be set up and have dinner cooked before the sun sets. I think the huge mile days are over. The terrain is getting more difficult and I don't have enough daylight to hit big numbers. I'm looking forward to slowing down. 

"There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.”
- Seneca


  1. A skilled archer can be dangerous. I think as long as you're on the trail proper you should be okay even if you don't have an optic yellow, orange, or bright red vest. You're really aware of what's around you all the time so I expect you will know if there's something to be concerned about. Glad you're slowing down a bit. As far as you've come and as near to the end of trail as you are, it's nice to be able to amble instead of sprint. You're tearing the PCT up gal. GO YODA!

    Double G

  2. Maybe behind, but it's understandable. I know you will catch up and post when cell service is better. Just stay aware of the hunters. I like the yodafied 2300 mile marker and how far you've gone. Hike on. LY

  3. Another favorite: "Every great journey, race or adventure encounters obstacles that drive tough choices. Nature, terrain, Murphy and temptation all get a vote. Staying true to your overall goal and character is the surest path to success because if you quit, cut a corner or enable an excuse now, how do you know you'll ever stop?"-Anthony Fleming I'm running out of time to posts my favorites.

  4. Great Yoafication of the mile marker. It's a good thing to reassess goals and plans. Priorities sometimes have to be reconsidered on a daily basis, as what was once the most important thing has to take a back seat to what is now the most important. So glad you took the time to visit with old friends. I kind of wish you weren't alone as much as you are. I hope your grande finale doesn't lose something because you have no one to share it with. Of course, you have your blog audience and friends in cyber land. We are certainly cheering you on! Go Yoda!

  5. I totally agree with Krisy - your "yodafied" marker is much nicer! Congrats on 2300 miles!!! Glad you've slowed down and are taking time to "smell the roses"!
