
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Day 22- Yet Another Connector Segment

Monday August 31, 2020
Dutchman Trail Junction(292.3) to Stealth Spot(317) 24.7mi
Total Miles: 365
Elevation: 9,583ft

I haven’t cowboy camped in a very long time. I got to camp just before dark last night and the weather was supposed to be clear. I just had a bad feeling so I went ahead and set up my tarp. Boy, am I glad that I did. It started rising around 11:30 and it rained hard. I didn’t sleep very well because my feet and legs were hurting. I’m not sure if it is because I switched back to Altra Lone Peak shoes or if it was because of all of the rocks. It was cold again this morning and I was slow getting out of camp. As a result I didn’t start hiking until 7am. 

View shortly after leaving camp

Today was definitely another connector segment day. I spent almost 21 miles hiking on Jeep and dirt roads, with a highway thrown in for good measure. Most of the roads were very easy walking and I made good time. The only downside was it made for a very boring day. The highlight of my day was meeting a thruhiker named, Legend. He holds more FKTs(fastest known times) than any other person alive. He is going for the overall record on the CT. He was super nice and took the time to chat with me for a few minutes. He seemed genuinely interested to hear how my hike was going and asked me a bunch of questions. He is on day four of his hike and had already done about 185 miles. I saw him around 2:30. He said he was tired, but on track to beat the record. I really hope he does! 

My view for most of the day 

When I stopped at the lake yesterday to get water and cook dinner, I met three older men who are section hiking the CT. Today was their last day of the segment. The offered to take my trash for me. They told me where their car was parked and said I could leave it on their windshield. I made it there today around noon and left my trash as instructed. I just love get rid of trash unexpectedly on trail. 

2.5 days worth of trash, gone

I’m really glad I had WanderLost bring me my water filter. All of my water sources today were in the middle of cattle grazing areas. As I was collecting water at one source a cow walked up and crapped in the water. I don’t know what I would have done without it today. 

Gross, but tasted fine after filtering it

Even grosser 

The weather forecast called for sunny skies, with very little chance of rain. It reality it rained off and on all day. They were all quick showers that left me putting on and taking off my rain jacket all day. Since I had very little tree cover today I was actually happy about the cloudy skies. Today was my longest mileage day of this trail. By the time I made it to camp my legs were shot and my feet were killing me. I would have liked to have gone another few miles though. I really wanted to get in a marathon on this trail and I felt like today was my last opportunity to do so. Unfortunately, it was getting dark and it looked like rain might come in. I decided to play it smart and call it a day. I set up my tarp again even thought tonight is supposed to be clear. There were too many ominous clouds in the sky for my taste. 

Dirt road through cattle country 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." - Lewis Carroll 


  1. Nice to hear about Legend. And bonus of getting rid of trash!

  2. Your water sources are yucky!! A long day and it does look somewhat boring. Yeah, trash gone. Glad to see post again. 😘

  3. Eeewww, collecting water while cows are pooping in it does not sound appealing in any way!

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