
Where's Yoda

Thanks to,, I am able to share my progress along the Colorado Trail with everyone. I have a personal locator beacon called a Garmin InReach Mini. The InReach pings my location every night via satellites. The track leaders website picks up my pings and posts them to the wonderful map shown below. It is a really neat website and I am very thankful to have found them. The customer service has been amazing. They have helped me at every step along the way. For a free service I have been very impressed. To view my personal progress, click on my name to the right of the map.


  1. Get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is another new adventure. Glad to hear from you tonight. Made me feel better hearing your voice. Enjoy your blogs with pictures. LY

  2. Hello from Arkansas. I am friends with your family here. Me and Brit have been good friends for about 15 years now. Michelle was telling me she had a niece that was hiking the AT. I am a backpacker as well. I hope to hike the AT one day. I'll be following your blog while you are in the woods and I am at work. Blaaahhhh. I got a 4 day backpacking trip in a few weeks. Nothing compared to yours!! Good luck. Hike your own hike.
