
Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 47- 600 Miles And A Bloop Bleep

May 18, 2015
Stealth Campsite(584.8) to Jenny Knob Shelter(602.1) 17.3 miles

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain bouncing off of my tarp. I guess I should be careful what I wish for. The rain didn't last long, but it did take us longer to get out of camp because of it. It also caused the bear bag rope to tighten down too much for Airlock to get it untied by herself. As I result I heard her cry out, "Yoda, I think we have to cut the line." I quickly got dressed and helped her get our food down. No ropes were hurt in the making of this production. 

We ate breakfast and broke camp as quickly as we could, but in the end we both left camp later than usual. For the most part it was another boring day early on. There was not much to look at until we got close to I-77. It seems like any time the trail crosses the interstate it becomes difficult to follow, today was no exception. 
View across the valley 
View from opposite ridge

The trail come down to a road that would lead me over I-77. The blazes became confusing. There was a road I could follow or a steep gravel ridge. I decided to try the gravel ridge because the guidebook didn't specify a road walk. I was on top of the ridge and had just decided it wasn't right when I saw a funny sign in the gravel. I definitely chose wrong. 
Somebody had a sense of humor about it

After making my way down to the road, I was able to follow it over I-77. I was glad I didn't have to play frogger to get across the interstate. 

After crossing the interstate the trail was still hard to pick up. I was glad someone made markings on the ground to help us out. I probably would have gone the wrong way again without them. 

After following the signs I was back on track

The next 7 miles were unremarkable. Our trail guide had zero waypoints for this area. Airlock and I stooped for lunch at an undesignated camp spot. As we were eating Eric(Now called Rusty) passed by. I haven't seen him since day 4 or 5. We chatted for a little while then he pushed on.

It started to rain shortly after lunch, but it didn't last long, just long enough to help cool me down. It would rain two more times throughout the afternoon, but nothing substantial. The heaviest rain of the day was right as I got to the shelter. I couldn't have timed it more perfectly. 

A few miles short of the shelter I crossed the 600 mile mark. I thought the marker was uninspired so I spruced it up a little bit. 
Original Marker
After Airlock and I fixed it up

It is supposed to thunderstorm tonight and through the morning. We decided to sleep in and take our time leaving camp tomorrow morning. We will hit Dismal Falls in the early afternoon. My friend, Chris Harding, told me about the falls before I started the trail. The weather should clear up by the time we get there. I think it will even be warm enough to go for a swim. It will be nice to have a leisurely day. 

Pink Azalea

"If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm." -Mahatma Gandhi


  1. Love the Bloop Bleep! The 600 marker now really stands out with the green leaves you added; glad they weren't poison ivy leaves! You look good, too. I Googled Dismal Falls and the pictures show a very pretty area. Enjoy your swim.

  2. Your 600 marker is now inspired. Too bad the wind will likely blow it away, but at least it looked good for awhile. And I agree with Liz; you do look great. Of course, I can't see your feet. 😆

  3. Congrats on 600 miles! My sons and I will be at Loft Mountain campground in Shenandoah National Park 02-07 June to do some day hiking and camping. Our site is right next to the AT. I plan on doing a little trail magic but I think you guys will be past there by then.

  4. 600! Woot and ^5
    Love the flower pics, spring is awesome!

  5. Hi Katie,
    Gotta catch up on your Blog now that we are back. I hope you know how much my mom is enjoying reading it! Keep stepping😛
    Love ya,
    Aunt Sharron
    Aunt Sharron

  6. Congrats on the 600 miles Katie! That is awesome! I love your artistic impression of the 600 mile is much better now. Hopefully it says warm and dry for you tomorrow so you can get that swim in at the falls! Keep it up Katie!
